Planning Activities for the Little Ones
Planning activities with the kids doesn’t have to be expensive. All you need is your imagination to come up with some exciting activities. Need a jumpstart? Here are some helpful tips to get those ideas flowing!
Outside Play – one of the best ways to get kids moving and burn some energy. Pack some snacks and make a trip to the neighborhood park or plan a picnic in the backyard (make it special). Some inexpensive items to take with you: badminton rackets, sidewalk chalk, water guns and balloons.
Indoor Crafts – (for rainy days) Kids love to be creative with crayons, glitter and glue. Reuse magazines or wrapping paper to cut pictures out of for a collage. Old tin cans wrapped in ribbons or yarn make great pen holders for the desk. For more ideas check-out my Pinterest board ‘For the Little Ones.’
Baking – another exciting activity for kids to do. They like getting their hands dirty and then enjoying the yummy treats all their hard work created. Squeeze tubes of icing are easy for kids to use and can make brownies or cookies tasty with their sweet designs. Or on a hot summer afternoon make a healthy frozen treat.
More Ideas – watch online deal-sites like Groupon for awesome coupons – like ice skating, bounce houses and art classes just to name a few. Be sure to read the fine print. You can also check your local newspaper and local city websites for free kid-friendly activities to do throughout the week.
It’s more important to spend time with kids than it is to spend money doing something. Make your time together not only special but creative and educational. The bond and memories you create are priceless but they don’t have to break the bank!