Momma Needs a Break – Voting
Let the voting begin! Below you will see my top 5 picks for the “Momma Needs a Break” Contest. (By the way, every momma deserves a break.) Pick your favorite momma and vote for her using the voting poll at http://www.getyourworthon.org/events/momma-needs-break-voting (on the right-side of the page). I will check the totals on Friday, May 11, 2012 and notify the momma with the most votes. Happy voting! To see all the deserving momma’s check out my Facebook page (you can comment on their photos and let them know they are doing a fantastic job, too.)
This picture is old, but speaks volumes about why I need a break! We found out we were pregnant two weeks after my husband left for a year long deployment. He got to come home for the birth of our sweet Myla Rose, but had to go back to Afghanistan when she was only 9 days old. I spent my entire pregnancy and the first four months of her life ALONE. Our families are both in Oklahoma, so I really had no one to help. He’s been home since March, and I have promised myself some “me” time, but haven’t had the time still. My mom has been battling cancer for three years, and recently decided that she would no longer do treatments. I have spent the last three weeks in Oklahoma helping to care for her as she prepares to meet her Savior. My sweet blessing has gotten me through some tough times lately, and I thank God for her, but really… MOMMY NEEDS A BREAK.
This is a picture at the adoption of one of our children. I am the Mom of 17 children. One bio, 12 adopted and 4 foster (soon to be adopted). I am a full time stay at home Mom. Also, grandmother of 3. I keep one of my grandchildren 3 days a week. Things are pretty crazy around our house and I have little time to myself. I would be happy to get to go anywhere alone including the bathroom.
I am 26 years old and have been a member of Fort Worth Community Credit Union since I was 19. I have two boys. I am single mother and have been blessed with a good job as a Lease Analyst in the Oil and Gas Field. I spend my days working long hours to fit around the time I take care of my children. During this time I have grown as a mother, daughter, friend, and as a person. I have realized what is… important in life and that I have to do everything I can to protect my family. Everything happens for a reason and I truly believe in positive outcomes. Because of life struggles it is hard for me to laugh and enjoy the small things that bring humor to my life. I have had to become emotionally and physically strong to keep juggling all I have to do – being the best mother to my children and keep my career to support them. I could really use a break.
I am nominating myself for the contest as I have a 3 year old and a 5 month old that I am now raising by myself.
My husband and their father was killed in a motorcycle accident on March 25th. It would be a great opportunity to take some “me” time and relax.
The attached picture was taken with my cell phone the day before he passed away and is the only picture I have of the 4 of us.
Happily married for six years, I’m a momma and step-momma of six kids and 2 dogs, I can’t remember the last time I enjoyed a moment of pampering.
So all I have to say is, “This momma needs a break!”
Don’t forget to pick your favorite momma and vote for her using the voting poll at http://www.getyourworthon.org/events/momma-needs-break-voting (on the right-side of the page). To see more information about the “Momma Needs a Break” Contest visit the events tab at http://www.getyourworthon.org/.