An Egg-cellent Idea
Easter is fast approaching and you know what that means – lots of plastic eggs full of candy. This year celebrate Easter the “old-fashion” way and dye hard boiled eggs with the kids! It’s always fun for the family and a good way to be creative. Plus let’s not overlook the health benefit of boiled eggs, too. Below are some egg-cellent ideas and tips for Easter eggs.
First let’s start with decorating the eggs.
Check with Martha Stewart for some inspiration, ideas, and Egg Dyeing 101.
The experts say to get a perfect boiled egg with no green color around the yolk is easy — below are the tips.
- Carefully place the eggs in a thick bottomed pan and be sure they are not too crowded.
- Fill with enough cold water to cover the eggs with about one to two inches of water.
- Put the burner on high and bring the eggs to a boil.
- Once boiling, remove the eggs from the burner and place the lid on the pot.
- Let sit untouched for 17-20 minutes.
- Cool with cold water.
Also, fresh eggs are harder to peel so buy your eggs about 3-5 days before you plan to boil them.
Now let’s eat those beautiful eggs you decorated.
We all know the usual dishes for boiled eggs – tuna salad, potato salad, egg salad and deviled eggs. But don’t overlook some of the dishes you can top with sliced or chopped boiled eggs.
- Top your favorite salad with diced or sliced boiled eggs
- Add diced eggs to your meatball recipe
- Place sliced eggs on top of an English muffin with melted cheese
- Quartered egg pieces and olives make a pretty topping for pasta salad
- Chopped egg can be thrown in macaroni and cheese, soups, chicken pot pie and even bean and cheese burritos
And, a boiled egg is only 75 calories so they make the perfect diet snack to tide over hunger between meals.
Hopefully these egg-cellent ideas and tips inspire you. If you have some recipes or ideas you would like to share, please tell me in the comment. I’d love to hear them!