Spring Cleaning
It’s that time of year again. The weather is starting to get warmer and the flowers will soon be blooming. Yes, spring is here! Longer days give us more time to do our spring cleaning. Let’s get things organized and ready for the next season.
Out with the old: Start by emptying out those closets and getting rid of clothing and accessories you don’t wear anymore. You can make some extra cash by taking them to resale shops or just donating them. If you didn’t wear it all last year just let it go! Then organize your clothing by color and type to help you find things easier. Do the same with your cabinets. Clear things out and rearrange them as to how often they are used.
Spruce things up: Changing out bed linens, throw pillows and bath towels can change the look and the mood of a room. Use seasonal colors and rotate pictures or flower arrangements to give things a new look each season, not just for spring. You can even take it a step further and rearrange the furniture. Remember if you don’t need it get rid of it!
Top to bottom: The natural oils in our skin can really attract dirt. Keep walls, door frames and lights switches looking good by wiping them down with a damp rag. The same goes for the carpet. The experts say to keep carpet looking new remove your shoes at the door but leave your socks on. This way the oils in your feet don’t get on the carpet and attract dirt and dust. Vacuum as often as possible and have the heavy traffic areas cleaned at least every six months and light traffic areas only every 12 to 18 months.
Think green when you clean —
There are so many simple recipes for household cleaners. Here is a list of uses for products you can usually find in your kitchen anyways! (http://eartheasy.com/live_nontoxic_solutions.htm)
- Baking Soda – cleans, deodorizes, softens water, scours.
- Soap – unscented soap in liquid form, flakes, powders or bars is biodegradable and will clean just about anything. Avoid using soaps which contain petroleum distillates.
- Lemon – one of the strongest food-acids, effective against most household bacteria.
- Borax – (sodium borate) cleans, deodorizes, disinfects, softens water, cleans wallpaper, painted walls and floors.
- White Vinegar – cuts grease, removes mildew, odors, some stains and wax build-up.
- Washing Soda – or SAL Soda is sodium carbonate decahydrate, a mineral. Washing soda cuts grease, removes stains, softens water, cleans wall, tiles, sinks and tubs. Use care, as washing soda can irritate mucous membranes. Do not use on aluminum.
- Isopropyl Alcohol – is an excellent disinfectant. (It has been suggested to replace this with ethanol or 100 proof alcohol in solution with water. There is some indication that isopropyl alcohol buildup contributes to illness in the body. See http://drclark.ch/g)
- Cornstarch – can be used to clean windows, polish furniture, shampoo carpets and rugs.
- Citrus Solvent – cleans paint brushes, oil and grease, some stains. (Citrus solvent may cause skin, lung or eye irritations for people with multiple chemical sensitivities.)
Having a clean house can do so much for your mood and attitude! Of course the secret to keeping the house clean is get the whole family involved. This will teach everyone how important it is to keep things tidy all year round and the feeling of accomplishment is a reward in itself. So grab those dust pans and rags and let’s get to it!