Back-to-School Tips
Thank you to everyone who submitted their tips in the Gear for the Year Back-to-School Giveaway! The three winners were notified and have accepted their prizes.
These are some of the back-to-school tips I received.
- Donate outgrown but serviceable uniforms (especially a custom plaid) to the school directly or Goodwill/Salvation Army. Get a receipt for taxes and use http://www.goodwill.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/Donation_Valuation_Guide.pdf as a guide if you don’t get a receipt. — Laura O.
- Money-saving tip: Supercuts usually offers Back-to-school special prices for kids’ haircuts. Getting-back-in-the routine tip: Start a few weeks before school implementing school night bedtimes. — Jonna S.
- We try to order our school supplies from the school each year. It’s appears more expensive up front, but the school uses it as a fundraiser. And by staying out of the stores we don’t find all of those extra ‘necessities’ that add up so quickly like locker decorations, $5 erasers (toys), and notebooks that are more expensive because of the pictures. — Jennifer M.
- Get ready to manage your time well! — Stacy Y.
- To be the best you must stay in school. — Deedria D.
- Get a big 3-ring binder and fill it w/ sheet protectors. (One binder per child.) When you child brings home school-related papers (instructions, passwords, teacher contact numbers, newsletters, etc) put them here…all in one place. I also keep my daughter’s shot record in the binder. Clean it out at the end of the year. —Bonnie C.
- Bring the kids out with you to pick out school supplies rather than you selecting them during a regular shopping trip. Empower their learning by letting them make those choices. They will probably take better care of them if they selected items personally. — Laura O.
- Do as much as possible the night before to create smoother mornings. — Danielle T.
- Always find a deal before you purchase anything school related! — Kirsten N.
- Prepare for the next school year by visiting your local library and reading a level up! — Amy B.
- Being a teacher myself and having four kids that go to a different school than I work, mornings are too busy to worry about lunch. To help us save time I pack lunches for the week Sunday night. I bought enough of the reusable containers for the week, and then I get an assembly line going. Everything stays in the refrigerator, and then the girls take a container each morning on their own, and they put the dirty one in the dishwasher after school. — Jami H.
- Set out clothes and what you can for lunches the night before! — Hollye B.
- Put notes in your kid’s lunches to give them a special treat! — Crystal T.
- Choose clothing outfits the night before. It will lessen the stress in the morning. — Elizabeth H.
- My best back to school tip is to get your kids through school and when they graduate you don’t have to worry about it anymore! I love it. — Theresa T.
- Teach the children to pick out their outfits the night before to save time for them, so the morning won’t be hectic. Mornings can be pleasant for everyone. — Donna W.
- Stay organized… Even something as simple as a planner helps you make sure you’ve got everything you need! 🙂 — Crystal R.
- Always pack an extra change of clothes and a couple of gallon size baggies for your little elementary accidents and don’t forget the socks. — Liz R.
- Never wait until the last minute to start back to school shopping! The best time to start is when school lets out for the summer. Trust me you’ll save a bundle! — Nicole R.
- Pre-plan… Plan out clothed for the first week that will take one to do off your list in the morning. Do the backpack check before bed and have it ready by the door for quick grab in the morning. Things always come up, but with a simple routine, those things will not be so drastic. If the info is available, introduce your kiddo to another in his new class, maybe set up some play time… that way they have someone they are already familiar with in their class the first day. Take your kiddo by the school before the first day so that stepping out of the car or off the bus the first day isn’t as overwhelming. Leave a little note in their bag or lunch box for them….let them know that you are thinking about them even if you can’t be there. — Mandy S.
- Encourage your child. Let them know they can be whoever they want to be with a good education! — Melissa F.
- Always eat breakfast so you’re fueled to start the day strong — Crystal J.
- Focus — You are writing your future now! — Arleen B.
Would you add anything else to this list? If so, leave it in the comments.