What’s in Your Summer Bag?
Summer is a time when we find ourselves running all over town looking for things to do with our kids. Because it can be hectic, it’s important to have a bag that can fit all the things we’ll need. My bag of choice is usually a cute sturdy tote bag. I asked a few of my friends what they put into their summer bags and their responses were very helpful to me. See what they said below…
Beth said: With these hot Texas summers, the first thing I will throw in my bag is a bottle of water. If I have kids with me, I’ll toss in a juice box or two too. I never know where we’ll go or how long we’ll be gone, so I make sure I’m prepared for the “I’m thirsty!” coming from the back seat.
Danielle said: I never leave the house without healthy snacks in my bag. Some of my favorites to bring along are healthy nuts, baked apple chips and energy bars. It seems like we just pull out of the driveway and I’ll hear “I am hungry”.
Anna said: Wet wipes aren’t just for babies! Even If you don’t have toddlers, you’ll still find yourself using baby wipes because they are so versatile. Great for grabbing while on beach, at the lake or just by the pool. Travel pack ones are perfect to wash hands with after playing or eating.
Alexandra said: My bag can get crowded, but who can forget the mosquito repellent? This is an absolute MUST especially in our hot, humid, but lovable Texas. I swear the mosquitoes are hypnotized and drawn to my ankles and legs as soon as 5pm rolls around. West Nile is NO JOKE these days. Better sprayed and protected than itchy and
Jill said: A must have during the summer and truly all year long is sun block. Most people don’t realize even during the winter months sunburns can still occur!
Tina said: It’s always nice to have something to peak your interest…maybe a good book or magazine to look through or crossword puzzles. Anything that will keep you busy while having to wait in line or just to sit back and relax with while watching the kids play. I’ll also carry my MP3 player so I can listen to some music and ensure a perfect afternoon for myself while the kids are having fun.
Do you have your summer bag picked out? Mine is a navy and white striped with a pink flower in the corner! I like to keep it in the same place at home so I know where it is and can refill items as needed. Of course you’ll already have your chapstick, hair ties and hand sanitizer, but consider all of these options to make your fun in the sun even more enjoyable!
What are some items you keep in your summer bag? Share with me in the comment section!