Helpful Hints for the Impulse Buyer
We’ve all been there: the mall, Target, even the grocery store. We go in for one thing and leave with 17. Sometimes we even forget the one thing that required the trip in the first place!
Impulse buyers unite! There is hope! I have worked on a list of ways to help me conquer this bad habit. It’s hard for me to keep from making excuses about why I should or should not buy something when I’m in a store. I hope this list can help you as it’s helped me.
Make a list…ABIDE…and time yourself – I love making lists. I make lists for EVERYTHING. But do I abide by that list? Give yourself a time limit for your trip. Take lots of satisfaction in crossing those items off that list and don’t dawdle
Beeline and blinders – This pretty much speaks for itself. Make a beeline to the aisles ONLY for the items you need. And keep your blinders up so you’re not tempted to look at the clearance items on the endcap. This also helps you avoid promotional items that are not a necessity.
Use cash only – This is a sure-fire way to ensure controlled spending. You take in the cash you need and that is all. Once it’s gone, it’s gone.
Give yourself some grace – If this is a real struggle for you, ease into your new habit with about $20 of “wiggle room”. Then lower it to $15, then $10 etc., and pretty soon you’ll see how much you benefit from saving these extra dollars in the long run.
Buyer’s remorse is a term I am all too familiar with. Hopefully these tips will shed some light on your willpower to save and your determination for self-control! Good luck ladies and remember, it’s never too late to start saving.