National Literacy Month
I’m a day late, but it’s the thought that counts right? Happy National Literacy Month! So how should we go about celebrating this holiday month?
Your Schedule: Create a reading schedule if you haven’t done so already. My reading time is the hour after the kids go to sleep. I can never have a moment of silent when they are awake.
Kid’s Schedule: How and when are you going to read with your kids? My plan is to read with them 30 minute before their bed time. Kids have a short attention span so I can only read to them when they’re getting to go to sleep.
Types of books: Call me boring or nerdy all you want but I like to read financial related books. There’s so much to learn and it’s really never ending. But to my kids…financial books are “yawn” and “boring”. They like to read fiction books with a lot of colors and pictures.
What are your plans for this month? Share your plans with me in the comment section below.