New Year’s Resolutions
Happy 2015, friends! I hope everyone has been having a good start to the New Year. As much as I love the holidays and seeing all my family and friends, it’s nice to get back to the normal routine. With that in mind, there are things I want to improve on so I thought I’d wrap them up for my new year’s resolutions this year!
Healthy household — I spent the holidays letting my family and myself binge eat (and I loved every minute of it). Now I should really get my family back on track with a healthier lifestyle. I’m not saying no more junk food because there’s always weekends and holidays… But definitely going to try to bring more greens and fruits back in the picture!
Family first — Speaking of my family, I am looking at schedules that are busier than ever. Between everyone’s priorities (work and/or school) and extracurricular (band, choir, orchestra, sports, clubs, and so much more), I am seeing less time available for all of us to get together. I am determined though to make sure we get together at least once a week for a meal and some quality time for games or movies or just to catch up.
Financial focus —The holidays can bog me down with all sorts of spending and eating. I want to refocus and remember my love for finances and budgeting. I hope I can work on myself (and my accounts) to nurse them back to full! Budgeting, personal finance, financial planning, are just a few of things I’m looking to improve this year!
What are some of your new year’s resolutions? Share with me in the comments!