Thanksgiving Dinner on a Budget
Thinking about Thanksgiving can invoke a number of emotions; sleepiness in preparation for the epic food coma, excitement for seeing family and friends, and even nervousness at the daunting task of preparing and cooking. Luckily cooking or hosting Thanksgiving dinner doesn’t always have to be a money-waster. Keep these easy tips in mind for a budget-friendly holiday meal!
Plan ahead – Planning ahead can do a world of wonders. Create a budget and allot for any possible mishaps. Being prepared for any costs that may come will really help with staying in budget for the meal. This includes making your menu ahead of time. Remember simple dishes means less ingredients!
Shop smart — It’s not always the best idea to buy the most expensive items and that goes true for food as well. It’s okay to buy a supermarket bird or even a frozen one. Shop smart for everything else too. Go for the vegetables and fruits that are in season. Buy generic for any sauces or condiments you may need. Know when to buy canned and frozen items.
Make it a potluck — There’s nothing wrong with not being able to (or even not wanting to) provide every part of the meal. It’ll save tons of stress and money by asking family members and friends to each bring a dish or dessert. This also gives the opportunity for everyone’s favorite side to be shared.
What are some ways you’re saving for Thanksgiving dinner this year?