Gabby’s Valentine’s Day Giveaway
It’s almost here! I was at Wal-Mart yesterday and I found myself wandering down an aisle piled high with pink and red teddy bears and heart-shaped boxes of candy. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner (as well as my birthday) and my friends and I constantly find ourselves trying to come up with budget-friendly ways to spend this endearing (yet expensive) holiday. Sure, there are inexpensive stuffed animals and chocolate boxes… But what about the “date?”
Between over-priced restaurant entrees and $15 movie tickets, you might find yourself wanting to stay home this year. But I’m here to help!
This year, instead of asking for gifts for my birthday, I’m going to give some away.
From January 25th to February 10th, I’m asking all of my friends and followers to share your Valentine’s Day date ideas on social media. (Use the hashtag #GabbysValentine on Instagram & Twitter so I can find your tip! Or share/comment on my Facebook post with your idea!)
At the end of the contest, 4 winners will be selected at random to receive a $100 VISA Gift Card! That’s dinner and a movie! (Maybe more, if you’re as frugal as I am)
Follow me on Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest for updates! Or like my Facebook page to see when I announce the winners!
Click here for full contest rules and details.