Don’t Dread Spring Cleaning
It’s that time of year, ladies! Spring cleaning!
If you’re anything like me, you absolutely dread cleaning… It’s extremely time consuming. And it can feel endless. Unfortunately, somebody’s gotta do it.
I’ve gotten into the habit of doing a little tidying up every day. This way, when Spring Cleaning does come around, it doesn’t seem like such a daunting task. A busy gal like me is always on the lookout for ways to save time and money, here are some of my tips!
I personally work better with a few small tasks every day than trying to tackle everything at once, so I break my cleaning down by room.
I like to start with what I see first when I come home, which is my living room.
When you’re done watching TV at night:
- Straighten/fluff pillows out
- Fold and put away any blankets
- Help the kids put away any toys that made their way into the living room
- Put the remotes back where they belong! (My personal pet peeve)
Next stop, the bedroom! Making my bedroom feel calming and relaxing is very important to me. After all, that’s where I’ve gotta get my beauty sleep!
- Make it a goal to make your bed every morning. It helps give the room have a cleaner look and prevents you from lying back down! Two birds, one stone.
- When you take off your shoes, put them in the closet!
- Don’t get in the habit of tossing clothes on your bed or a chair. Make sure dirty clothes go in the hamper, and clean clothes is folded/hung up and put where it belongs.
As females we are notorious for having cluttered bathroom spaces, we’ve all seen the memes.
- After you shower, spray down the inside with a 50/50 water vinegar mix to prevent soap scum
- Make sure everything has a “home” (When I am done drying and styling my hair, I make sure my hair dryer and curling or flat iron are both put away under the counter)
- Invest in drawer dividers to help separate any makeup or hair products
- Keep cleaning supplies in your bathroom so it’s easier to clean as you go. Even just disinfectant wipes to keep the counters clean.
My kitchen is probably my biggest nemesis. Don’t get me wrong, I love to be in the kitchen, cooking or baking but boy, clean-up is a pain.
Get into the habit of cleaning as you go! Waiting for water to boil? Wash some dishes. Defrosting some meat? Put away any ingredients you don’t need anymore. Nothing is worse than finishing a delicious meal and trying to tackle a disastrous kitchen immediately afterwards.
Pick one day over the weekend, to do a quick clean of your home:
- Do a few loads of laundry (Clothes, sheets, towels)
- Unload the dishwasher
- Vacuum the living room
- Sweep and mop the kitchen, if necessary
- A light dusting
I’ve found that all of these things make Spring Cleaning 100 times easier.
I found a checklist on Pinterest from Simplystacie.net as a guide for my daily and spring cleaning tasks. You can modify it to adjust your home and your schedule any way you’d like. Good luck and happy Spring Cleaning!