Simple Healthy Living in 3 Easy Steps
In a world full of processed foods, staying on track with a health and fitness regimen can be incredibly difficult. We pass on opportunities to truly maximize and better ourselves simply because we’re overwhelmed by our day to day activities. Here are a few tips that will hopefully get you started in the right direction.
- Meal prep a healthy balanced lunch before your work week begins. Not only will this help you avoid putting junk food in your system, it’ll help your pocket book by possibly saving $8-$11 per day! To do this, make sure your portions are reasonable – You want your lunch to consist of 3 ounces of protein, ¾ cup of vegetables and a tall glass of water. Staying away from fast food and consuming your prepared healthy lunches will help you feel less lethargic (plus your jeans will fit better!)
- Get 30 minutes of aerobic activity per day. Hearing that, the first thing that came to mind was “I simply do not have the time!” This doesn’t mean you have to sign up for the first gym membership you see. Aerobic activity can be walking, cycling, or stair climbers for starters. Think about your small windows of free time you can squeeze it in, maybe before getting ready for work, take a ten minute walk around your neighborhood. During your lunch period, go to that awful flight of stairs you have been avoiding and go up and down for five minutes and do it again after work. Lastly, take a ten minute jog around your neighborhood to wind down. You will feel rejuvenated in no time, plus it’ll help you sleep.
- Get your beauty sleep. The benefit of a great night’s sleep truly shows in your daily work. You have the opportunity to be more alert and focused on tasks that are important. Getting enough shuteye won’t guarantee a sunny outlook but you have probably noticed that when you’re exhausted, you’re more likely to be cranky. On average, most people need 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night — and studies show, women aren’t getting it! Try to give yourself an extra 30 minutes to an hour of sleep every night, you deserve it!
Being the best you is so important! We’ve got to start taking care of our bodies… After all, it’s the only one we’ve got! So save some money and your body by cooking your own food, exercising when possible (without a costly gym membership) and get the rest you not only want but need. Push yourself out of your comfort zone and be the greatest version of YOU possible!