Halloween Safety 101
Hey all my ghosts and ghouls! October is here and I don’t know about you, but I am a witch’s nose deep in my DIY fall and Halloween decorations and costumes. We can be easily distracted by the fun and festivities happening around us this time of year, but it’s important to keep our little goblins’ safety (and ours) in mind.
Trick or Treating:
- Cross only at street corners, using signals and crosswalks if available.
- Before crossing, look left, right and left again as well as continuing to look both directions as you walk.
- Put your electronic devices away. It’s fun to take pictures of everyone all dressed up, but don’t use your phone unless absolutely necessary.
- Walk on sidewalks or paths. If sidewalks aren’t available, walk facing traffic and as far left as possible, keeping children the farthest away from the street
- Follow a direct route with the fewest cross streets as possible.
- Go in a group and with an adult. Keep a good ratio in mind: Four costumed kids for every adult.
- Children 12 and under should not be alone at night without an adult. If your child is mature enough to go without supervision, they should stick to familiar areas and trick-or-treat in a group with a specific time to return home.
- When your children get home, check all treats to make sure they’re sealed. Throw out candy with torn packages, or ones with holes. Any spoiled items and homemade treats that haven’t been made by someone you know should go too.
- Decorate costumes and treat bags with reflective tape or stickers. If possible, choose light colors.
- Avoid masks or hats that could obstruct a child’s vision. Opt for face paint and makeup instead.
- Have kids carry glow sticks or flashlights to help them see and be seen.
- Avoid ill-fitted costumes which cause trips and falls. If your princess trips on the way out of the house, her costume is too big.
- Remember to buy flame-resistant costumes, wigs and accessories.
- If carrying a sword, cane, or stick make sure they are not too long or sharp.
- Avoid decorative contact lenses without first seeing an eye care specialist. While the packaging may say “one size fits all” wearing contacts that aren’t right for your eye can cause pain, inflammation and serious eye disorders and infections.
- Slow down and be alert in residential neighborhoods. This is the time to go below the posted speed limit–children are excited on Halloween and move suddenly in unpredictable ways.
- Take extra time to look for children crossing at intersections, medians and curbs.
- Enter and exit driveways slowly and carefully, watching constantly for passers-by.
- Eliminate any distractions in your car so you can concentrate on the road and your surroundings.
- Anticipate heavy foot traffic and be prepared to drive slower than usual.
- Turn on your headlights earlier in the day to spot children from great distances away.
Halloween can be one of the spookiest nights of the year, but keeping your children and family safe doesn’t have to be. Remember that this is the night when most families venture into unknown areas in hopes of scoring the best tricks or treats. So take the extra time and effort to ensure you, your family, and the neighborhood’s children all get to enjoy the tricks and treats the next day. What are some Halloween safety tips you use?