My Favorite Me-Time Indulgences
Last week, I wanted to treat myself. Then the week began and I was hit with the usual train of tasks, appointments, dinners, cuddle-times, bath-times, and of course the biggest beast of all: laundry. I’m even more exhausted after this week than I was at the end of last week, and I didn’t even get the chance to treat myself in the first place! Please tell me I’m not the only one who gets caught in this cycle.
Because if you get caught up too, then maybe we can inspire each other and break the bad habit of ignoring our personal needs.
Friends, as the leaders of our households, with seemingly countless people and projects depending on us, we are worth the time to refresh and regroup. If we don’t do so, then how can we pour our energy into others?
*This Just In* Me-Time is not selfish; it’s self-care, which is a key to sustained happiness and prolonged productivity. It can be simple, it can brief, or a whole weekend. The length of time spent doesn’t matter; it’s quality time with you. From one friend to another, here are some of my favorite suggestions for indulging in Me-Time.
If you have the extra wiggle room in your budget:
- Pick your favorite restaurant with a delectable dish that you don’t get to have often. Forget the calories, leave your little picky-eaters with a sitter, and dive into that fine-dining place you dream of trying, or enjoy your favorite guilty pleasure meal: mine is a big, meaty, cheesy, greasy breakfast.
- Browse specialty stores. I love roaming around antique malls, and lamp stores. My sweet family…not so much. If I could spend an hour perusing one of my favorite stores without anyone rushing me, or sighing in the background when I pick up ANOTHER porcelain figurine—I would be in a personal heaven.
- Manis, Pedis, and Hair-dos! Pick one, or two, or all three! I feel my best when I have a fresh cut and style paired with a fresh set of nails and massaged feet.
- Buy yourself something. Seriously. Even if it’s something you need (ok, don’t go crazy buying white socks). When I take the time to actually buy myself something, I usually go for a new pair of boots or a new blouse that is an updated classic. Think of something you would use all the time, but haven’t bought yourself a new one, and go for it! I gabbed about this a couple of months ago, so click here for a refresher on updating your wardrobe on a budget.
Free Me-Time:
- If you have an afternoon alone at home then that’s the perfect time to turn off your phone, turn on music, and see what happens. An impromptu solo dance party in the kitchen, or a relaxing hour spent under your tree, or people watching through the balcony are all ways to peacefully spend time with yourself.
- Do your own nails and hair! Remember when we were teenage girls and spent so much time grooming in the mirror? Get nostalgic tunes pumping and start primping. Think of the look on your husband’s face when he sees you AND finds out you didn’t spend any money!
- For all of my creative ladies out there, enjoying Me-Time often means creating your art. So grab a pen and pad, dust off your paint brushes, whatever your art is—do it!
- For any of my bookworms, go grab that book! Be sure to snag a blanket and hot tea, or whatever you love most, and cuddle up with your latest story. In fact, get to it right now! You could be starting chapter 2 by now!
Me-Time is all about you. When we take care of ourselves, we are better equipped to handle whatever life throws our way…well, at least we’ll be in a better mood while we handle business like the bosses we are. If free time doesn’t just fall into your lap, then make time for yourself. You are worth the effort and the planning for at least one afternoon of no obligations. So, from one friend to another, what are your favorite ways to indulge in Me-Time?