9 Tips for Getting Back into the Swing of the School Routine
As these long summer days slowly fade away, it will soon be back to school! The excitement might be just a bit stronger for you then the kids. The big question is “Are you prepared enough?” Here are 9 ways to get kick start the school year.
- Head to the pediatrician – Is your child up to date on his/her shots? I can almost guarantee the first requirement will be an updated shot record. Is it easily accessible? Making an appointment early on will certainly make your life a lot easier. While you’re there, ask your child’s doctor about ways to keep him/her healthy. Should you implement vitamins? What are the best ways to combat germs? Being prepared will make the back-to-school transition much smoother. We all need less stressful mornings!
- Re-introduce a bedtime – This is a big one! I start my family on an earlier bedtime schedule 2 weeks before the first day of school. I’ve found this makes mornings more bearable. Sit the kids down and discuss the changes in the upcoming weeks. We adjust dinner and bath so we can meet that earlier bedtime I’ve decided to put in place. Week one, we focus on going to bed earlier. Week two, we go to bed at a specific time and we also set alarms and get up at a specific time! Having adequate sleep is necessary for a successful day of learning! Warning: First few days may come with moaning and grumbling!
- Power off electronics – All summer the kids have likely spent hours upon hours on phones and tablets! It’s time to power down and allow your kiddos to focus in a classroom setting. Just as you prepare for an earlier bedtime, reduce time spent in front of those pesky screens!
- Go shopping – Yes, go shopping! Especially on one of the Tax-Free days! Most retailers have annual sales this time of year. Hop online and review the school dress code. Be sure to go through the closets and dresser drawers before you head out. Create a donation or pass down box – less clutter means less hassle in the mornings! This also lets you know what exactly you need to buy. One last thing before you grab your keys – downloads Apps to stores you plan to visit. Any additional savings couldn’t hurt! Ibotta and Cartwheel are two of my favorite apps for saving.
- Create a calendar – Whether you prefer traditional paper or a more tech savvy option (linking multiple family members), having a calendar is a life saver. Calendars easily allow you to keep up with your family’s busy schedule. Just for fun, Amazon has stickers to brighten up those doctor’s appointments and after school activities.
- Organize together – The supplies have been bought, why not sit down together to get them organized? Double check the supply list, fill out all the paperwork you have to turn in on day one. As you go through the packets, be sure to add important dates and times to your calendar. Allowing the kids to help lets them know what is actually in their back pack and makes them more prepared!
- Have a pep talk – Talk to the kids and see what activities your children plan to do or sign up for. This is a great time to encourage them! Keep the conversation positive so they stay interested. Be sure to ask open ended questions, as well. Discuss any concerns they may have and reassure them other students feel the same and it will all be ok. I personally love this part of back to school. I get their one-on-one attention!
- Establish the night before rule – This rule helps with the entire flow! Prepare lunches, put homework in backpacks – leave them near the front door, lay out clothes & have lunch money in it’s designated place.
- Emergency/Alternate details – The best time to talk about an emergency is before they ever happen. Discuss who to call, where the phone numbers are and so on. Having inclement weather and alternate transportation action plan can be so helpful for your family. For example, if it’s raining look for Aunt Linda in the pick-up line. Being a working parent with a sick child can be very difficult, having someone who may be closer to the school until you can get there will be a huge stress relief. This could possibly be a neighbor or a stay-at-home family member.
Having a routine lets everyone know what to expect each day. Before you know it, things will be running as smooth as can be. If you have any tried and true tips feel free to share in the comments below!