6 Tips for Setting New Goals
The ball has dropped and it’s time to set new goals for the new year. Are you feeling behind? Don’t worry you still have plenty of time to set new goals. Whether it’s for your financial health or your physical health, the 6 tips below will help set you on the track to success.
Be specific: Your goals should address the five W’s – who, what, when, where, and why. Make sure the goal specifies what needs to be done with a time-frame for completion.
Measurable: Create a goal that you can track and measure your progress. Example: I would like to run a mile every day, so I will track my progress on a daily basis.
Make a realistic goal: Write down your goal and place in a view-able area at all times. Make a goal that you can actually achieve. Think small achievable steps.
Timely: Set a deadline for each goal you have (keeping it reasonable). By setting a deadline you are more motivated to achieve the goal.
Helping hand: If you have a close friend and family, ask them to help you with your resolution list. A helping hand will always come in handy in every situation.
New Year’s resolutions aren’t hard to make, but it can be a little tough to achieve. Make a list, track it, and ask for help if you need any — these simple steps will be worth your time.