Stay Fit with Household Chores
Gyms are shuttered and you may be stuck in the house all day without much to do. In some cities, outdoor exercise is off the table, too, as hiking trails are roped off and parks are closed. With all of your socializing happening on Zoom, there’s no pressing reason to get out of your PJs or sweats either. All of these factors create the perfect recipe for letting your fitness commitments slide and slowly turning into a couch potato.
Eventually, though, life will return to normal and you’ll need to fit into real clothing again. And when that happens, you want to be ready. Lucky for you, you don’t need the gym or a jog around the block to keep fit. All you need is a list of household chores to tackle.
Chore # 1: Vacuum your rugs
Calories burned per hour: 190
It’s time to break out the vacuum; your abdominal muscles are waiting! The forward and backward motion of vacuuming is a fantastic workout for your abs.
Chore #2: Mop your floors
Calories burned per hour: 195
Make those floors sparkle — and give your abs and arms a great workout!
Tip: Before you start, clear your floors from clutter and dirt so you’ll be able to clean as many surfaces as possible in succession, quickening your heart rate.
Chore # 3: Wash your windows
Calories burned per hour: 180
Wipe that grime off your windows while you tone your upper and lower arm muscles.
Chore # 4: Wash your dishes
Calories burned per hour: 120
All that scrubbing and rinsing under sudsy water provides a great workout for your arm muscles.
Your Turn: How do you turn housekeeping into a fitness workout? Share your tips with us in the comments.