Weekend Get-A-Way Ideas
Have you ever needed a couple of days away to regroup? Me too! Weekends are a great time to plan a quick trip to escape or just to spend time with family. With so many options of places to go within a short drive, I thought it might be fun to give you a few of my favorite locations.
Fort Worth — There is something for everyone to enjoy here. From the new museums, historic stockyards, lakes, zoo and botanical gardens the possibilities are endless!
Dallas — Spend a couple nights in one of the many beautiful hotels and explore some the history found downtown. Tour the museums, zoos or aquariums.
San Antonio — Not only is this location rich with great food, but the Alamo, Riverwalk and SeaWorld are there too! Psst — did you know FTWCCU sells discount tickets for SeaWorld?
Austin — The scenery is fabulous! The drive is easy and the activity is endless. With outstanding music everywhere and the Capitol building to visit as well as the many lakes, Austin is a great place to relax.
Galveston — Fishing, water and amusement parks, beaches, ocean, what else could you want?
Oklahoma City — Bricktown, beautiful Botanical Gardens, museums and historical hotels all within a short drive north.
Turner Falls — A quick trip north to Davis, Oklahoma holds one of the largest waterfalls in the state.
With a natural swimming pool, how could you go wrong?
So many possibilities abound within a drive. Whether it’s a family adventure or you need time to relax, the opportunities are endless.
If it’s a local theme park you’re looking for, don’t forget to check with your credit union. A wide range of discounts tickets are available to members.
Have you had any weekend adventures you’d like to share? I’m always open for travel suggestions!