3 DIY Christmas Decorations With the Kids
Thanksgiving feels like it was still just yesterday to me but we’re less than two weeks away from Christmas! My house is already in the mood with the Christmas tree and lights up as well as Christmas music playing at pretty much any time of day. My kids wanted to do more DIY decorations like we did for Halloween this year so on top of our usual paper snowflakes, here are some things we made this year for Christmas decorations!
Pinecone Christmas tree — Even though we already have a big Christmas tree up, my kids wanted to put little ones all over the house. So we used some pinecones, painted them green and glued different colored pom pom balls all over them as ornaments. Now we have little trees in every room!
Snowman door — One of my kids had the great idea of using our door as a decoration this year instead of just putting a wreath on it. We cut out two large black circles for eyes, an orange triangle for a nose, and lots of smaller black dots lined up for a mouth. Any idea what it is? A snowman! We completed our snowman door with a black hat and a scarf too.
Rudolph candy canes — Candy canes are almost a staple of this holiday for my kids. They love all kinds of flavors, including the original peppermint ones! So with all the candy canes laying around, we made them into reindeer… specifically, Rudolph! We just put two googly eyes on the short side of the curve, a red pom pom ball below the eyes for a nose, and used a brown pipe cleaner, twisted and bent, for the antlers!
How are you decorating for Christmas this year? Share with me in the comments below!